Bitter Sweet

Bitter Sweet is Flux:: acclaimed transient processor used by hundreds of thousands of users for audio transient management with the simple turn of a knob – Turning it to the Sweet side reduces the transients, and turning it to the Bitter side magnifies the transients.

All Features

  •  Up to 16 channels Input/Output
  • Output Gain
  • Controls the Output Gain at the end of the processing (-/+ 12 dB).
  • Link to Output Gain – Compensates the Output Gain depending on the Transient Amount in order to achieve unity gain.

As simple as just turning a knob

Turning the knob to Sweet side reduces the transients which commonly decreases any transient-rich percussive sounds in the mix, and turning the knob to the Bitter side magnifies the transients which commonly increases any transient-rich percussive sounds in the mix.

Multiband Features

Using a built in M/S Encoder/Decoder the Mid (Center) or the Side (Stereo) parts of the sound can be processed independently.

  • Main – processes using regular stereo signal scheme and it’s the only available mode for multichannel operations
  • Center – engages the internal MS encoder and processes only the Mid channel. After processing, the sound is decoded back to stereo (useful for snare/kick drums)
  • Stereo – engages the internal MS encoder and processes only the Side channel. After processing the sound is decoded back to stereo. (Efficient for panned rhythmic instruments)
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